It’s about time!

*coughs* So…well….umm….thank goodness I don’t call my blog my baby….because if I did I should be reported for gross neglect! Funny enough though I haven’t been neglecting my hooks, that’s for sure!

I just can’t believe where September has gone! Seriously, where did it go?????? But I feel the cold weather coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super excited about it getting cold because honestly I hate arriving at Hannah’s school each morning looking like I just ran the whole way there in a winter parka….not eactly my best look: sweat rivers coming from my neck, forehead and nose. On a good note though, Hannah is now taking the bus home from school and it drops her of at the end of OUR street! No need to huff it over the overpass with ALLLLLLLLLLL the children, all huffing now ends at the end of our very short street!

By the way I forgot to ask if you’re all sipping your favourite drink? If not, at least grab a glass of water, you know you haven’t drank your 8 a day yet, have you? Got my glass of water for now, as my iced coffee is cooling in the freezer! Go now! Grab your drink of choice, you can thank me later!

So I’m still procrastinating on my esty shop….. I really don’t know what it is, something about selling my stuff scares the…well…errr…it just scares me. I know my hubby asks me everytime I complete a project how much am I going to sell it for. I think it’s his way of encouraging me….or his way of saying time to make some money, dear! So I’m getting on it…soon…hahahahaha and I’ll leave it at that!

And speaking of my dear ol’ hubby, he leaves me for 3 days this week to go on training in another city….*sob* Now I’m totally fine by myself! I’m a confident, strong, smart woman who knows how to take care of myself and children independently. I am woman. I can do this. Right……. And now I can really do this and not having hubby home for a few nights doesn’t really bother me…..but if it did bother me, I just want to say that I DISLIKE sleeping in our bed by myself. ALONE. And again I only say that IF it bothered me that he was going away for 2 long, lonely nights! hahahaha, ok so who am I kidding here???

Now for some goodies….got lots of pictures for you all to enjoy….possibly drool??!?? And at some point, no pinkie swearing, I’ve got some patterns brewing up here in ye ol’ brain bucket. (So I was about to delete that whole last sentence, because I have no idea where the absurd word choices and clichés all came from but then I thought you all might enjoy the insanity)

So here’s a small grouping of some of the things my hooks have been busy with the last month! (Does not include any frogged work….hahha)

The cream and pink hat will be a dog hat for my niece once it’s complete! And the green number is for my son! I fell in with the basket weave, and thought it would add a manly texture to a boy’s hat.

Ahhhh…. now this sweater is stunning….none of the pictures I took did it justice. I’m hoping once it’s complete I can get Jo to model it for me because the cabling is beyond words. Although I can’t say I loved making it as I have a frogged version in different wool because the pattern grossly under estimated what was needed and the first one I bought some clearance yarn to make it and was unable to get more…. 😥

I’ve been working on this number for a while now. It was the idea I mentioned in one of my last posts for a new pattern. And I’ve only been working on it while my oldest is at Beaver Scouts. Can’t wait to finish it….and if you haven’t guessed yet what it is… well I’m going to keep you guessing!

I’m very pleased to introduce Hibou the Owl and Hermione the Unicorn!!! (You will most likely see more Hibou’s but you will not see any more unicorns….yuck I did not enjoy making him…in fact he’s not quite done as that hook has gone missing.)

And last but not least is another picture of Hibou. He is actually a very loveable lovie! I’m excited to make a pattern up for this as well as try some different verisons, like dolls, cats, elephants…well who knows what I will come up with!
So, in the words of Bugs Bunny, ‘ that’s all folks’, for now! My iced coffee is ready and lunch time is approaching!


2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Diane Clarkson on September 25, 2012 at 7:25 pm

    Impressive! You are truly an inspiration. Way to go… and thanks for bringing this to my attention! I’ll be back. Diane C.


  2. Awww thanks! It’s definitely an adventure this blogging business! haha! Glad to hear you enjoyed and I look forward to hearing from you again! ~AB


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