Archive for August, 2012

Tip from my Hook Tuesday – Invisible hdc join in a round!

This week I’m going to try a video!!! oooooooooooo…..nothing fancy,  and honestly I just hope it works.  Also excuse the children in the background, they were curious as to what Mommy was doing.

I love working in rounds! The biggest thing for me is I detest turning my work. And going a round and a round is therapeutic for me. They only downfall is the joins….especailly when working in half double crochets, which I use mostly for my hats. The wandering ridge totally ruins the finished project….doesn’t matter how cute the hat is from the front when the kid turns around there’s that almost neon blinking ridge line spiralling down….. so check out my solution to this dilemma:

The nearly invisible half double crochet in a round!

Do you have any nifty tips for crocheting? Got anything that stumps you? I would love to hear from you!

Facebook Page, New Yarn, and new pattern!

Good afternoon all! Got my iced coffee chillin’ in the freezer as well as some peanut fudge….don’t know if I can hold out until it’s ready! mmmmmmmmmmm

Got my facebook page set up!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s still quite sparse but much like my blog it is still a work in progress…. Check it out:  (This post is also testing out the auto post to FB)

Ooooooooooo, now onto some really good goodies! Parused a local yarn shop yesterday and picked up some yummy fancy yarn. (Geez you think I eat the stuff by the way I talk about it, hahaha) Totally had a plan for it when I bought it, but when I got home the purple one called my name and now I’m creating something totally different and I think it will make a fabulous pattern too! But mum’s the word just in case it’s an epic fail!

I will let you all know how the purple works up as well as check back tomorrow for a new series I’m going to start called ‘Tip from my hook Tuesdays’!

Now to have some iced coffee and fudge! Enjoy!


Brimstone Baby Boys Vest Crochet Pattern Part 2

Auntie Bee Crochet patterns are offered for personal use or for charity items only.  Do not sell any Auntie Bee Crochet patterns or reproduce them any way.  Please do not sell items created from these patterns without my permission.  If you want to share any Auntie Bee crochet patterns, please link directly to the original blog post. Thank you!

Part 1: here

Couple of notes: Please note the adjusted neckline from part 1 picture, now boat necked, instead of V-neck. Also colour changes are user choice, this pattern as written makes a singe colour vest.

Back and Right Back Shoulder

With RS facing start on opposite side to buttonholes made.

Row 1: Sk 4 sts, beg sc in 5th st, 1sc in each of nx 28 sts, leave remaining sts unworked, turn. (29)

R2: Ch1, sc2tog, 1sc in each of nx 25 sts, sc2tog, turn. (27)

R3: Ch1, sc2tog, 1sc in each of nx 23 sts, sc2tog, turn. (25)

R4: Beg sc, 1sc in each st to end of row, turn.

R5-24: repeat row 4 ending with a WS row, turn. (25)

R25: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, leave remaining sts unworked, turn. (7)

R26: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn

R27-29: Repeat row 14, finish off, weave in ends.

Left Back Shoulder

With right side facing, sk 11 sts, from base of right shoulder

Row 1: Beg sc in 12th st, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn. (7)

R2: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn.

R3: Repeat row 2, finish off, weave in ends.

Front and Left Front Shoulder

With RS facing, start at base of left side of back, sk 4 sts

Row 1: Beg sc in 5th st, 1sc in each of nx 28 sts, turn. (29)

R2-3: Repeat rows 2-3 of back

R4-20: Repeat row 4 of back

R21: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, leaving remaining sts unworked, turn. (7)

R22: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn. (7)

R23-27: Repeat row 22, finish off, weave in ends.

Right Front Shoulder

With RS facing, start at base of left front shoulder, sk 11 sts

Row 1: Beg sc in 12th st, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn. (7)

R2-4: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, turn.

R5: Beg sc, ch 2, sk 2 sts, 1sc in nx st, ch2, sk 2 sts, 1sc in last st, turn.

R6: Beg sc, 2sc in ch2sp, 1sc in nx sc, 2sc in ch2sp, 1sc in last st, turn.

R7: Beg sc, 1sc in each of nx 6 sts, finish off, weave in buttons.


With WS together sew left shoulder seam.

Sew buttons on RS in appropriate spots.

Ensure all ends are weaved in.
Please let me know if you spot any errors! This is my first complete pattern that I’ve shared so I’m really hoping you all enjoy and that it makes sense!


Sneak peak of Brimstone Vest in fall colours!

Sneak peak of Brimstone Vest in fall colours!

The cool breezes of fall have returned, can’t wait for the leaves to change colours too!

Brimstone Baby Boys Vest Crochet Pattern Part 1

Before I get into the pattern itself I want to just note a few things.

1.  I’ve been debating for a while as to whether or not to share my patterns. On one side I’ve put a fair amount of time into not only the resulting product but also ensuring that the pattern makes sense. As well as researching standard pattern writing practices. On the other I feel it is a real shame that so few people, especailly our youthful generation, still even engage in needle crafts that it would be a hypocrasy for me not to share my knowledge and patterns. The hypocrasy for me is that I had, and still do, such a difficult time finding other hookers who were/are willing to share their talents and knowledge with me. Mostly, knowledge has to be bought, not shared like our Nanas, Aunts, and Mothers, and such used to share from generation to generation.

My desicion has been to share as much as I can, in hopes that it will inspire others to do the same! Think of me as your weird Aunt who smells good, but funny! Ha ha ha I’m ok with you thinking I smell funny!
2. My next debate was around whether or not to allow others to profit from my work. Again the argument sounded much like above. But with one small difference: This was my effort, while I want to share, if it was the other way around, if I was selling someone elses creation (pattern, or resulting finished object) I would feel I was cheating. In a nut shell, that means I’m ok with sharing my patterns, but not ok with someone else using my patterns to profit.

So that resulted in this:

Auntie Bee Crochet patterns are offered for personal use or for charity items only.  Do not sell any Auntie Bee Crochet patterns or reproduce them any way.  Please do not sell items created from these pattern without my permission.  If you want to share any Auntie Bee crochet patterns, please link directly to the original blog post. Thank you!

Ok so now we’re ready to actually start with the pattern! (More sizes will be done, currently testing 3mth and 6mth sizes (for you Spike!))

Boy’s Brimstone Vest

Size 12 mths

Difficulty: Easy

Hook: 1/9

Yarn: size 3 or 4, or size to obtain guage. Patons Canadian and Astra yarns used in above picture. 2 – 3 skeins 50g

Gauge: 13 sc in 12 rows = 4 inch square

Notions: yarn needle, your choice of 8 buttons to fit buttonholes


Ch = chains

Sc = single crochet

Beg sc = once you’ve turn your work, ch 1 and pull that ch closed but not tight, then sc in same st as ch1. Counts as one single crochet.

Sc2tog = insert hook into st, yo and pull up a loop, 2 loops on hook, insert hook into nx st, yo and pull up a loop, 3 loops on hook, yo and pull through all 3 loops

Weave ends in as you work.


Ch 72

Row 1: In 2nd ch from hook 1 sc, 1 sc in each of remaining ch, turn. (71 sts) (RS)

R2: Beg sc, *ch1, sk 1st, 1sc in nx st, repeat from * to end of row, turn. (WS)

R3: Beg sc, 1sc in ch1-sp, * ch1, 1sc in nx ch1-sp, repeat from * to 3rd last ch1-sp, 1sc in nx sc, ch2, sk ch1-sp and nx sc, 1sc in last ch1-sp, 1sc in last st, turn. (Buttonhole made)

R4: Beg sc, ch1, 1sc in ch2-sp, 1sc in nx sc, ch1, *sc in nx ch1-sp, ch1, repeat from * to last ch1-sp, sk nx sc, 1sc in last st, turn.

R5: Beg sc, 1sc in 1st ch1-sp, *ch1, 1sc in nx ch1-sp, repeat from * to last ch1-sp, 1sc in last st, turn.

R6: Repeat row 2

R7: Repeat row 5

R8: Repeat row 2

R9: Beg sc, 1sc in every sc and ch1-sp until last 4 st, ch2, 1sc in last ch1-sp, 1sc in last st, turn. (RS)

R10: Beg sc, 1sc in nx st, 2sc in ch2-sp, 1sc in each remaining sts to end of row, turn.

R11: Beg sc, 1sc in each st to end of row, turn. (71)

Rows 12 and 13: repeat row 11

R14: Beg sc, 1sc in nx st, ch 2, sk 2 sts, 1sc in each of remaining sts to end of row, turn.

R15: Beg sc, 1sc in each st until ch2-sp, 2sc in ch1-sp, 1sc in each of last 2 stitches, turn.

Repeat rows 11-13

Repeat rows 9-15

Repeat rows 11-13

Repeat rows 9 and 10

Do 2 more rows of sc ending in a wrong side row. End yarn and weave in ends. (71) (WS)

Part 2 will follow shortly! But I thought you would all enjoy getting started! Also please let me know of any errors and I will make corrections.


Brimstone Boys Vest on Jacs!

Ready for some super squishy cuteness?????? Warning: Jacs is rockin’ the cute!

ImageVest in action!


Who’s my preppy boy??? Hahahaha! Don’t tell my hubby!


Side view of my frienemies – the buttons.


Absolutely the cutest in my opinion, and the vest looks great too!


Inspiration and the little vest that could!

Inspiration is everywhere, we all know this, but sometimes it still amazes me when it hits me, especailly when it sneaks up on me! Ha!

I’ve been thinking a lot about upcoming changes and occasions in our life… My oldest starts school! (Insert dorky mom dance and double fist punching in the air!) We’ve got new cousins baking and are eagerly awaiting their arrivals! Christmas will be here before we know it. There’s a lot going on and I thought it would be FUN to start a new business (*gasp* I finally said it in writing! It’s scary!) and a new blog. Both of which I know absolutely nothing about starting, running, or really anything…However, I’m smart, s, m, r, t, smart and I think I can. But ultimately, I hope you enjoy what I share, will be patient with me as I learn, and above all laugh with me often! So grab a cup of your favourite drink, I’m sipping mine, iced coffee, and read on!

So back to that inspiration bit. I’ve been making gifts for Christmas and recently finished a lovely sweater, well almost…buttons and I aren’t friends. We really don’t play well on the playground. Part way through making the sweater, a friend of mine started working on an adorable little sweater vest and I thought my own little man just had to have one too! So I started looking around the internet at what other crafters have created to see if I could find a pattern to make the vest I pictured my Jacs in. And honestly, I really didn’t like what I saw….nothing lived up to the picture in my head.  But heck I can make my own….attempt #1 sits about 5 rows in…hate it. Attempt #2 is no longer in exsistence, ripped it apart after about 10 rows…Then I just stopped, you know when you’ve stared at something so long you no longer see it…..well that’s because I chucked attempt #3 across the room….

Finally I found the design I just had to have my little guy in! I was smitten,  anything hand made I just absolutely adore! A local fibre fair, Fibrations, was this past Sunday, and of course, I just had to drag the whole family along to check it out. And there it was. The little vest that was perfect. It was sweet but man-ly enough for my boy, and not the least bit prepy (Husband’s greatest fear for his son – the “prepy” look). It was absolutely stunning, seriously, I can’t tell you how much I feel in love with that little…..knit…..vest.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrchhhhhhhhh. Knit. Well that doesn’t help me…I don’t knit. Well not anymore. But it was perfect. Back home we went! And so continued more googling and more attempts. This time I knew what I wanted to create…..and buzzing along, and chugging along (chugging = cursing, ask my dear hubby…he left the room on a number of occasions! Sorry hun!) and four days later I did it! Completed! Even those dreaded buttons. So here it is:

The Brimstone Boys Vest! Size 12-24mths (Excuse the colouring, it’s actually just a bright red, not neon, still learning to use my camera!)

And the beauty of this little guy is that you don’t have to put it on over his head! The right side and shoulder both open so you can just slip your bub right into it without playing a forced game of peek-a-boo! Check it out:

Sadly, that’s it for tonight…as I’ve finished my iced coffee! I will be posting the pattern in the near-ish future starting with the 12-24mth size and hopefully adding more sizes as I make them. I would also love to hear what you think and what you’d like to see and if you would like me to do anything specific! So feel free to comment away!

Thanks for reading and keep those hooks a-buzzing!


Just testing………

Just a test to see what a post will actually look like on my blog! I’m not entirely sure what all I will blog about about. I’m hoping to just let it grow and see where it takes me! I’m sure there will be lots of info on crochet, probably more than a healthy dose about my life….and most likely anything that strikes me at the moment when my fingers hit the keyboard. Hope you all will enjoy what I share! I definitely think a good drink is in order, whether it be tea, a strong coffee, or something stronger…. while reading! I know I will be enjoying an iced coffee while typing so feel free to do so while you read!

Take care,


Auntie Bee Crochet

Buzzing through daily life as a crocheter and stay at home Mom!

I ate too much...

Stories and adventures from the life of Becky.

Kids and Nature

I believe that children need nature and that nature needs kids to be in it in order for our world to survive.

Ribbons and Letters

Exploring, always adventuring